Monday, October 1, 2007

Print...Will it Die?

John Sledge's article, Papers future, alas, is not carved in stone, in The September 23rd, 2007 issue of Mobile Press Register discussed the idea that print as we know it may eventually die away due to the popularity and convenience of the internet. I understand why someone would believe that this could take place but I don't necessarily agree. It could be possible in a learning environment like a classroom, lecture hall, library, bookstore, etc that print would disappear because computers are such a wonderful resource. I do not believe that books will cease to exist though. I mean on a rainy day if you want to curl up with a good book it can be a bit uncomfortable snuggling with your laptop. Reading books to your children is a bonding experience that would not be as meaningful doing so with your home PC. I think teaching without books and strictly through online media could be wonderful though. No more expensive text books, the dog can't eat your homework, and as long as your server is running correctly you have access from anywhere!

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